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About Us

Contact  Gian, Aquarian Rainbow Teacher. Today!

What is the difference between Knowledge & Wisdom? Knowledge is information. Wisdom is knowledge that has been practiced and refinned. Cultivated! For A New Golden Age Of Humanity…

If you cannot afford or commit to the classes, services or workshops within this website and feel genuine interest, do not worry! Gian would rather meet with you 1 on 1 less often by donation or some sort of trade; offering you practical studies involving reading, writing (calligraphy) and physical practicum for your own development of your discipline. Call Gian today!

Teacher Practitioner For Over Twenty Years In Ancient Art Forms of Embodiment.

Kriya Yoga Teacher (Pilates Teacher Trainer), Indigenous Native Healing Remedies...  I have grown through many traditions becoming a shaman in practice of the Northern Wilderness Of Turtle Island. Aboriginal Healing Path, Friend Of Nature’s... Holding true to our Aboriginal Wisdom, Our New World Awaits... Mountain Yogi Mystic

Coming spring 2023; “helping gardens” with ancient agricultural techniques and ideas restoring the lands fertility and seasonal yields abundance. Over ten years experience in a diversity of cultures and climates.

🙏 Love In authenticity 🙏 Blessings to new beginnings new world new year ✨ Great love lives for all of us upon earth 🌎



My Story - I am a traditional shaman or mystic yogi in practice within the Northern Wilderness Misty Mountains Of Turtle Island. Aboriginal Healing... Friend Of Nature’s... In Hawaii I was given the name Keahi Keala (Fire Path). In my native land; Meteorite Orca Chief and among my Yoga Family I am Gian Dharam living the journey of a Bodhisattva.

In Tibetan Taoism (Theravada Buddhism) a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save humanity from suffering.

This Origin;
Sanskrit, ‘a person whose essence is clear perspective like perfect knowledge’... Zero; So The Infinite Can Flow.

Tribute to the Austrailian Aboriginal Elders Sitting In Deep Meditation Upon Mother Earths Sacred Places. From Butterfly, Termite, Ant & Spider Peoples Of Mother Earth's Ancestral Spirit, those who came before us and those who will come after us; The clearest crystals & purest minds upon Mother Earth have spoken to me upon a past New Moon. Joyful, gitty, laughing and playful vibration felt within my heart & throughout my being. A New Sound, A New Name, Vibration, My Tune: Olm Orca Chief.

These beautiful people who focus upon a eloquence of language, a grace in demeanor and character in good spirit as signs of our evelution as members of our Human Tribe carrying a connection within there hearts & twinkle within ones eye's. I was once told by my people, that I am a bird and I must never stop singing! They Now Tell Me... You Are Still A Bird, But Now You Swim In The Great Ocean & Your Sound Is From The Deep... Olm - They tell me that other names will be given yet to come as the many names you have carried before now.

As An Aboriginal, the sound you carry changes, or can change many times throughout ones life. It does so in relationship to meaning in feeling throughout the constant process of transmutation that is life. To us, it is very odd and a little amusing when others resist this process :) For themselves and others...

In following the Blogs here with Planetary Yoga. You will be taken to flight with Dragonfly into the mystical void, doorway to the spirit world. Experiences of many forms; Communion upon many planes; Time traveling through many lives dimensional states in frames. "Hearing Voices Of The Earths Spirits & Cosmic Forces Among Many Smiling Faces Changing Constant Among Many Places. A Whole New Perspective Of What Time & Space Is"...

Meet Gian Dharam

Gian Dharam is a unique yoga enthusiast and practitioner of the of The Eight Limbs of Yoga, the Octopus of Consciousness he enjoys expressing. Gian is also a certified Stott Pilates instructor increasing his knowledge and wisdom of the third and fourth limb (Asana & Pranayama) of the Yogic Octopus, his devotion to his chosen discipline. Pratyahara; the withdrawal of the senses, relates to Shuniya. Gian likes the reference Zero, a clear mind enabling the ability to listen to ones emotional intelligence which naturally allows Dharana (Focused Concentration); a personal understanding of connection and clearing of energy that is no longer serving you. A lifetime endeavor Gian giggles. This can lead to Dhyana (Meditation & Conception); meditation is ones own personal experience of the universe where conception can take place and allow release and renewal healing for the individual. The internal fire is awake allowing one to shed there old skin! Higher frequencies of heart, mind and spirit help us cultivate awareness of states of being, alternative frequencies of your brain waves (Beta 14 - 30 Hz/ Alpha 9 - 13 Hz/ Delta - below 4 Hz/ Theta 4 - 8 Hz/ Gamma - 30 Hz & Above)... Awareness of our emotional intelegance is the gateway to dimentional experence.

This is a personal accomplishment which each individual obtains for ones self. One can only measure ones self through introspection of their outward actions towards others which includes are daily thinking and the practice of prayer (Yama & Niyama's). We are not meant to judge one another in this regard, only honest and clear communication in the highest respect for the other will encourage positive growth in relationship. This requires healthy boundaries, patients, tolerance and elevating ones self beyond entitlement and self worth when with each other. Five Yama's: (Ahimsa-non-violence, Satya-truthfulness, Asteya-non-stealing, Brahmacharya-right use of energy, & Aparigraha-non-hoarding...) Five Niyama's: Saucha-cleanliness, Santosha-contentment, Tapas-are the way to purify your yoga practice through discipline. They can also be translated as the “internal fire”. Tapas are spiritual practices that often involve a high degree of self-discipline, solitude and periods of deep meditation and elemental exposure, Svadhyaya-self study and self reflection as well as the study of spiritual text, & Isvarapranidaha-connection to a higher power in surrender to it's inherent benevolence.

Yama's & Niyama's are the first two and most important Limbs Of Yoga in order to develop as a spiritual eternal being having a human experience.

A lofty goal for any human being Gian states firmly within a modern world! So we must not be critical or edgy with one another and lean towards deep listening, empathy and understanding is Gian's hope among all humans world wide, all cultures and our traditions in which Gian enjoys more then he feels he can express in words. Taking part in all traditional festivities among all cultures world wide and rejoicing in our history throughout all time is a healthy beginning for a new world emerging into a coming Golden Age Gian believes. This is vast, requires an open mind & heart, and the ability to listen to what are children say and express within their freedom to do so. This must include all our inner childs within us as adults as innocent seekers/dreamers , as mature spiritual beings sharing the human experience and it's inherent responsibilities world wide around the entire Mother Earth, our Mother Goddess Pachamama.

20 years have past in depth, in practice and teaching. Their is nothing more enjoyable then self discovery, claiming your personal freedom, entering one's body and stepping on the path of self care. Kindling for an inner flame of "self love".


This Website Is Still Being Shaped.

Gian is very well versed in ancestral traditions, our human history, healing modalities and natural remedies. I guide you through the process of physical disciplines such as in Asana or Pranayama. I help you develope correct technique and expanding awareness offering you continued support in doing so. In doing so, you will be able and more capable of answering many of life's more difficult questions. Authenticity lives within our yoga practice. I focus on creating events all can afford as regular as I can. Available within community and now online world wide around the globe!

Holistic Organic Food Production! I help others with ancient agricultural techniques and ideas restoring the lands fertility and seasonal yields abundance. Over ten years experience in a diversity of cultures and climates. Private message me if you desire some truly inspirational feedback that changes us as well as the lands we live upon. 🙏

Thank you with great appreciation.