The Spiralling Tunnel Ribcage Of Creation Eternal

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Kriya kundalini Yoga Training

Kriya kundalini Yoga Training

Kriya kundalini Yoga Training

  2021-10-12   02:47

The Kriya kundalini Yoga Mystics School of Turtle Island (Canada) is a modern yoga school based in Indigenous Connection described by its star children as an ancient yoga system revived in modern times by Gian Olm Dharam also known as Meteorite Orca Chief, who has been initiated by the non-physical guru's, Guru Nanak, Swami Sri Yukteswar & Paramahansa Yogananda's direct lineage of Guru's of Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya and through the Spirit World many more; Hale Kealohalani Makua, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Dull Knife & Black Elk are some examples. It is a sacred honer to receive such wisdom throughout the synchronicity of life events creation has bestowed upon me. In service to humanity and the coming Golden Age that is the fifth world of the two legged. The Human Being Rainbow Awakening...

A spiritwalker of ancestral tribal cultures derives there name from the experience in connection with The Blue World, The Spirit World, or Bardo being one who's chosen by spirits to walk with them and receive this wisdoms guidance to share for his people's benefit. Those who walk are often seen as messengers chosen, given responsibility to see through the tribe's physical and spiritual well-being, and thus holds an important position charged to uphold and nourish this power for everyone within the community. Using various techniques such as fasting, rhythmic drums with rattles in song, spirit dancing, sweats, psychotropic drugs, isolation or sensory deprivation, dressing in animal skins and masks, and more! The spiritwalker intends to put themself in a trance like state or dream state and journey to the spirit world in search of knowledge for the hunt; Answers to questions for community issues such as famine, disease or individual healing; Dream interpretation or weather dancing calling to high gods & goddesses. Native Americans believe that their guiding spirits meet the spiritwalker in this trance and pass on the needed wisdom.

Anyone can be spiritwalking who is listening. Attributed powers to the ones who Walk!

Different tribes ascribe different powers to the spiritwalkers. Shape shifting, skin walkers or skin changers, time travelers, levitation, spirit flying, elementals, breath or light beings; All are acknowledge with some kind of magical or supernatural essence. Native Americans commonly attribute powers of weather control or prediction to dream interpretation of the spiritwalkers calling. Other powers include ensuring a good hunt or harvest, or contacting spirits to ask for healing or to offer a good death. To communicate with or find allies with magical beings. God, goddess, supernatural beings, ghosts, or spirits of nature.

This is understood of as communion, being chosen in the moment and a great honor! This happens quite naturally in ceremonies, is recognized and respected as part of the individual's and the groups intention and for all to reflect upon ones self in this relationship. This is not Worshipping or Idolizing! This is learning more about creation and growing perception.

The deep veneration that Hawaiians, Native Americans, Mayans and many other traditional tribal peoples hold for nature and there ancestors causes some to mistakenly believe that these venerations, art and clothing are objects of worship for them. The life that comes to those living with Mother Earth in right relationship walking a good red road to receive ones own good medicine death is quick to help one make the distinction between worship and honor! Real life teaches you the difference. In reverence and respect for creation, the teachings and heritage of those who came before us and respect for those yet to come! In spiritwalking, is seeking to understand the wisdom of the old ones to share through visions and prayer for guidance beyond knowing...

Everyone must learn the difference and develop there honor!

Spirit Walking advises that traditional tribal peoples indigenous to Mother Earth spirituality is a "private cultural experience." It is an integral part of the culture, that is something you can only learn by living with it and developing within nature among the Sacred Hoop Of Life. This is not a religion in the traditional sense, so you can't simply convert! You must choose to start living it to gain connection with this and develop your own understanding. True spiritwalkers will not sell you services or sacred objects, or charge you to perform a ritual. Donations & offerings are part of the energies movement, inspiration and honer for a modern world to remain spiritually healthy in balance. Spiritual beliefs are something we feel primal and connected to within our heart, are blood 🩸 and bones. An understanding we continually observe, learn and grow within well moving through the great cycles of The Spiralling Ribcage Tunnel Of Creation Eternal...

All our relations. Rainbow Warriors

The Spiralling Tunnel Ribcage Of Creation Eternal