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Why Embracing Healing Practices Is a Necessity for Mind-Body Wellness in British Columbia?

Why Embracing Healing Practices Is a Necessity for Mind-Body Wellness in British Columbia?

Why Embracing Healing Practices Is a Necessity for Mind-Body Wellness in British Columbia?

19 Sep 2024    PLANETARY YOGA category

Today, the need for holistic well-being is more critical than ever. While hospitals and healthcare workers play an essential role, it’s equally important to embrace natural healing modalities that support both mind and body. This is where we, the Planetary Kundalini Yoga in British Columbia, step in, merging ancie­nt wisdom with contemporary methods to foster your physical, e­motional, and spiritual health. Upon this website, Planetary Yoga recognizes it is, “in a sense of being”, a living entity regarding its responsibility to all the viewers' consciousness beyond are knowing that this association has not been personally connected with to offer guidance. We mean to only offer neutral positive information that will enrich your personal wellbeing and longevity throughout your life. We hope very much this blessing to you will bring true understanding and personal growth. So you too, will learn to do the same for all life around you. We will walk you through the nutritional value of organic foods and the transformative power of yoga well offering insights into how these elements can enhance overall well-being.

Nutritional Value of Organic Foods

  • Higher Nutrient Density

Organic produce often contains more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

  • Reduced Toxin Exposure

Minimizes intake of harmful chemicals that can disrupt our endocrine system and overall health.

  • Better Taste And Quality

Naturally grown foods often have superior flavor profiles, encouraging healthier eating habits.

By prioritizing organic foods, we cultivate a healthier relationship with our bodies and the Earth, promoting vitality and resilience.

Planetary Yoga: Awakening Inner Harmony

Planetary yoga is more than just a physical practice in British Columbia; It’s a holistic approach that aligns the body, mind, and spirit. We harmonize­s with cosmic energy to help you achieve­ harmony in both your inner and oute­r worlds. This method proves e­ffective, particularly in today’s high-stress e­nvironment.

Through postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation, planetary yoga creates space for the body to heal naturally. People practicing planetary yoga in British Columbia have reported improvements in mental clarity, emotional stability, and physical health, making it an essential tool for modern wellness.

Kundalini Kriya Yoga: Awakening Inner Energy

Kundalini Kriya Yoga, an ancient practice gaining popularity in British Columbia, offers powerful techniques for spiritual growth and physical well-being:

  • Energy Activation

Specific kriyas (sets of exercises) stimulate the flow of kundalini energy, enhancing overall vitality.

  • Stress Reduction

Regular practice has been shown to lower cortisol levels, reducing stress and anxiety.

  • Improved Cognitive Function

Kundalini meditation techniques can enhance focus, memory, and mental clarity.

Research indicates that consistent Kundalini Kriya yoga practice can lead to improvements in sleep quality, immune function, and emotional regulation.

Real-World Applications and Benefits

The combination of healing practices and organic nutrition can address a wide range of modern health challenges:

  • Stress Reduction

Regular practice of Kundalini Kriya Yoga has demonstrated the human’s ability to alter and adjust the frequency of our living organism and energy fields. Adjusting the minds/brain’s frequency Beta, Alfa, Delta, Thata, Gamma begins the tuning of the central nervous system to one’s own personal alignment/center. Homeostasis. From here we can heal and grow from a place of our full potential throughout our entire being inner and outer upon the great journey that is life. 

  • Improved Sleep Quality

The relaxation techniques in planetary yoga can help combat insomnia and promote deeper, more restorative sleep reconnecting you with the dream world. 

  • Enhanced Mental Clarity

Both yoga practices, combined with proper nutrition, support cognitive function and emotional balance.

  • Increased Energy Levels

The physical postures and breathing exercises in these practices, along with nutrient-rich organic foods, naturally boost vitality.

  • Stronger Immune System

The holistic approach strengthens the body's natural defense mechanisms. Our natural immunity. Our Immune System. 


Incorporating these healing practices—focusing on organic nutrition, engaging in planetary yoga, and practicing Kundalini Kriya Yoga—can significantly enhance your mind-body wellness in British Columbia. As you navigate the complexities of modern life, embracing these holistic approaches can help you cultivate resilience, foster community, and promote overall well-being.

If you’re ready to embark on this journey of self-exploration and empowerment, our teacher, Olm Gian Dharam, is your trustworthy guide. With over Nineteen years of intensive devotional experience practicing as Monks do in various spiritual and healing traditions, he offers evidence-based content that is easy to digest, personalized to each “individual” and actionable. Join the movement towards greater wellness and self-love at Planetary Kundalini Yoga today!

“It is a great honer”!

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